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Whole Body Nutrition

If you're looking to create tangible, sustainable change in your health, you're in the right place. 

I get it. I've been there. Confused by conflicting nutrition advice, bored with the same bland foods, frustrated because no miracle diet really feels like it's helping, and if it is, killing yourself to stick with it.

You don't have to live like that anymore! Let me help you weed through the BS and create a personalized nutrition plan based on sound nutrition science and your unique bio-individuality. We'll dig to uncover the root cause of health imbalances and focus on the deep inner work necessary to build sustainable and flexible habits so you can thrive.



Don't know where to begin? Check out my services.

What I do...

"Working with Lauren was exactly what I needed to get myself back on track after some serious life changes that really effected the way I was eating.


After the pandemic shut down, moving in with my boyfriend and being furloughed for 7 months, I developed a bunch of unhealthy habits and was lacking any kind of dietary routine. I’d gained weight, And just didn’t feel healthy or myself. My conversations with Lauren helped me to identify what feelings and emotions were triggering unhealthy eating habits. She helped me shift my snacking choices to healthier options that keep me full and energized through out the day so I’m not over eating at night. Lauren is so supportive. I felt she was encouraging me to improve, not telling me what I was doing wrong."


"I really enjoyed this process...focusing on how I feel about myself and that I can assess my progress and positive feelings towards sleep quality, energy level and mental well-being and not just from my weight, measured by the scale. 

I gained skills and tools to help me with my nutritional needs and issues surrounding my food habits. But, what I didn't expect was how much fun I had and how enjoyable it was to work with Lauren. She is an excellent listener and I was very happy with how well she tailored the program to my specific needs and lifestyle. It has been a happy experience!"

"I get it! The idea of eating what I want and being responsible for the results, without the guilt of bad choices, became a knowing as opposed to an intellectual idea."


barefoot in the grass, burrito in one hand, book in the other

Hi, I'm Lauren!

I’m a Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner who helps frustrated dieters cultivate sustainable eating habits by shifting mindset on a foundational level,  distilling confusing nutrition science into clear advice and developing flexible, mouthwatering meal plans that leave you gratified, energized and strong in your body.

My story



Not sure whether Nutrition Therapy is right for you? Book a FREE 30 Minute Discovery Call with me to learn more about my services and how I can help you reach your health goals.

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Not sure about this whole Nutrition Therapy thing? Here's a little taste to get you started.

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